Request approval for spending $158,087.58 with U.S. Concrete and Paving, Inc. for construction of Robinson Trust Sidewalk Projects.
Former Councilmember Maud Robinson, who passed away in March of 2019 just shy of her 97th birthday, left the bulk of her estate to the Town of Vienna for the specific purpose of building sidewalks, over a five-year period, in areas where sidewalks are not already planned or likely to be funded through grants or new construction.
The requested authorization to spend $158,087.58 with U.S. Concrete and Paving, Inc. is for projects located at the following locations:
• West Side of Meadow Lane SW - Gibson Avenue to Stephen Circle ($90,601.72)
• North Side of Hill Top Road NE- #202 to #204 Hill Top Road and including #441 Park Street NE ($67,485.86)
The Meadow Lane project limits are along the frontage of eight properties between #615 Meadow Lane and #511 Stephen Circle. The total length of the project is approximately 600 feet. When completed the neighborhood will have continuous sidewalk along both sides of Meadow Lane from Kingsley to the northern end of Meadow Lane Park. This is a length of approximately 3300 feet. The project will also provide a new ADA ramp at Stephen Circle and two ADA ramps at Gibson Drive. Department of Public Works staff hosted a public meeting with the residents on May 11, 2022. The project includes 340 square yards of concrete sidewalk, 60 square yards of concrete driveway entrance, 23 tons of asphalt paving, and miscellaneous and related items.
The Hill Top Road project limits are along the frontages of #202 to #204 Hill Top Road and including both the Hill Top and Park Street sides of the corner property, #441 Park Street. This project is a “missing link” project that will connect to existing sidewalk on Park Street and on Hill Top Road. The total length of the project is approximately 400 feet. Property owners whose properties are within the project limits have been contacted by DPW staff and have been briefed of the project. The project includes 278 square yards of concrete sidewalk, 35 square yards of concrete driveway entrance, 15 tons of asphalt paving, and miscellaneous and related items.
The Department of Public Works requests authorization to utilize the On Call Small Task Concrete Maintenance Contract Number IFB 19-06 in the amount of $158,087.58 for the construction. This amount includes a 15% amount for increased quantities and contingencies. Funding for this construction is from the Robinson Trust and funding of $158,087.58 has been established in account number 300-000-0000-38445-48803.
Property owners and residents along the above streets were notified of this meeting via a letter dated Aug. 10, 2022.
Strategic Plan Initiative: Vienna is a safe community and an efficiently mobile community
Departmental Recommendation: Recommend approval.
Finance Recommendation: Recommend approval
Purchasing Recommendation: Recommend approval.
Town Attorney Recommendation: The Town has a contract with U.S. Concrete and Paving, Inc., and the Town Council may approve the proposed expenditure of funds in its discretion.
Town Manager's Recommendation: I recommend the Town Council approve the spending of $90,601.72 with U.S. Concrete and Paving, Inc. for construction of sidewalk improvements for the Meadow Lane Project, and the spending of $67,485.86 with U.S. Concrete and Paving, Inc. for construction of sidewalk improvements for the Hill Top Road Project, as presented.
Cost and Financing: $158,087.58
Account Number: Project Number: 423RTSP038 - Meadow Lane
Project Number: 423RTSP039 - Hill Top Road
Decision Needed by This date: Aug. 29, 2022
Recommended Action
I move to approve the spending of $90,601.72 with U.S. Concrete and Paving, Inc. for construction of sidewalk improvements for the Meadow Lane Project, and
I move to approve the spending of $67,485.86 with U.S. Concrete and Paving, Inc. for construction of sidewalk improvements for the Hill Top Road Project,
Other action deemed necessary by Council.