9:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Reviewing the Shared Mobility Device (SMD) Pilot Program and Next Steps
This Work Session was requested at the April 15th, 2024 Work Session to review and schedule Council Member requests for future Work Sessions/presentations.
Staff will provide an overview of the SMD Pilot Program. The presentation will include why a program was developed, highlights of the program, the findings from the program, and next steps.
Attachment 1 is the Pilot Program Summary Report, Attachment 2 is the pilot program Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that has all details and requirements associated with the program that Council approved in Dec of 2019.
Staff is presenting a summary of the Town’s SMD Pilot Program and discussing the next steps.
If a majority of Council agrees to move forward with a permanent ordinance, staff will develop draft documentation and review/discuss the draft at a future Council Work Session. The MOA (Attachment 2) will be utilized as the base for the permanent ordinance document and edits will be based on the summary report (Attachment 1) and Council’s feedback.