Comprehensive Plan Update
The Planning Commission reviewed the current Comprehensive Plan, adopted in May 2016, in 2021 and determined the plan does require updates and amendments, consistent with the state requirement of plan review every five years. However, the update process was delayed until the zoning and subdivision code update was completed. The Planning Commission restarted the update process in December 2023, following the adoption of the code in October 2023.
Activities to Date Overview
* Pancakes with Planning Commissioners: Open House Kick-Off
On March 2, 2024, the Planning Commission and staff hosted an open house introducing the Comprehensive Plan update. The event drew 47 public attendees, all Planning Commission members, four Town Council members, and staff. Outreach included newsletters, social media, and school emails. Many comments and ideas were provided by the public.
* Engagement with Vienna Boards and Commissions - Commissioners and staff presented the update process to the Town boards and commissions, who then provided their own comments on what the Comprehensive Plan update should include.
* Online Survey - A short community survey that collected 17 responses.
* Data Development - Staff has gathered a considerable amount of background data and is currently in the process of distilling and organizing it, and determining what more is needed. A future meeting will include a presentation of this data.
* Policy Work Session - The Planning Commission held a work session on key policy questions, which will inform the development of the draft.
* Draft Development-Planning Commissioners and Town staff have edited the current chapters for consideration in the draft development.
Next Steps
With the department now fully staffed, the Planning and Zoning team is ready to dedicate priority attention to completing the Comprehensive Plan update. Chapters have been assigned to staff to lead drafting efforts and collabo...
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