9:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Parks & Recreation Master Plan - Our Plan to Play
The Town has contracted with Kimley-Horn to conduct the Town's first Parks & Recreation Master Plan. The Town is committed to prioritizing the longevity, access, safety, and opportunity of parklands and recreational facilities. This project will identify the needs of existing and future residents to elevate and improve open spaces, trails, and community gathering places.
Staff from the Parks and Recreation Department is managing this project, under the leadership of the Town Council and with strong input from and collaboration with community stakeholders.
The upcoming council work session is intended to update the Council on progress of the Master Plan to date throughout 2024. The session will cover significant takeaways and findings from the existing conditions assessment and survey work completed. The session will cover the major findings and establish initial guideline recommendations to Council, stemmed from the findings and feedback. The information is intended to ensure transparency and foster collaboration between the Council, the public, and the project team.
The project team requests for Council to discuss and provide feedback on initial findings and drafted recommendations. Council's input will advise decisions to further refine the plan. Previously prepared and circulated reports for each milestone of the project is available for cross-reference to relevant slides of the presentation. These include:
1. Staff Focus Group #1 Summary
2. Staff Focus Group #2 Summary
3. Stakeholder Focus Groups Summary
4. Community Meeting #1 Summary
5. Community Meeting #2 Summary
6. Existing Conditions Assessment
7. Our Plan to Play Presentation 12.9.24
8. Community and Statistical Survey Summary Report
Draft recommendations shall be shared for public and Council feedback from late winter to early spring. Feedback will be c...
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