File #: 16-273    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 10/7/2016 In control: Town Council Meeting
On agenda: 10/24/2016 Final action:
Title: Public Hearing for Intent to Adopt FY2016-17 Water and Sewer Rates.
Attachments: 1. Ordinance - Water Sewer Fees FY16-17, 2. Notice of Public Hearing Water and Sewer rates 10-24-2016



Public Hearing for Intent to Adopt FY2016-17 Water and Sewer Rates.




A Water and Sewer Rate Study was conducted in-house two years ago.  One goal was to provide financial stability to the Town’s water and sewer system by maintaining a positive cash flow for operations and debt service.  The rate study was based upon three years of actual expenditures and three years of actual usage and billings from the Turchetta Software System.  The rate study evaluated fixed and variable costs system- wide. 


The Water and Sewer Rate Study was based on best practices from the American Water Works Association.    In order to tie to Town Council initiatives, resource conservation was incentivized in the model.  The Finance Department updated the rate study in January and February 2016.  The intent of the rate study was to implement rate adjustments every two years as long as forecasted revenues were trending in actuals.  This is the year for adjustments to rates, which is incorporated in the recommended rates below.


Consumption rates are increased by $0.66/1000 gallons.  The average Vienna resident uses 16,000 gallons per quarter, so this change amounts to a $10.56 increase per quarter.


Recommended rates for implementation on July 1, 2016 are as follows:


   Residential                                                                                          Block Structure (Quarterly Basis)

   Water Consumption Charge               0 - 16,000 gallons      $4.98 per 1000 gallons

                                                                                                       16,001 - 32,000 gal     $5.42 per 1000 gallons

                                                                                                                 32,001 plus gallons    $6.27 per 1000 gallons                     

    Sewer Consumption Charge               0 - 16,000 gallons     $6.09 per 1000 gallons

                                                                                                       16,001 - 32,000 gal     $6.59 per 1000 gallons

                                                                                                                 32,001 plus gallons    $7.64 per 1000 gallons

    Residential Base Fee:  $15/quarter


   Commercial                                                                     Block Structure (Quarterly Basis)

   Water Consumption Charge               0 - 90,000 gallons      $4.98 per 1000 gallons

                                                                                                       90,001 - 180,000 gal   $5.42 per 1000 gallons

                                                                                                                 180,001 plus gallons  $6.27 per 1000 gallons                     

    Sewer Consumption Charge               0 - 90,000 gallons     $6.09 per 1000 gallons

                                                                                                       90,001 - 180,000 gal   $6.59 per 1000 gallons

                                                                                                                 180,001 plus gallons  $7.64 per 1000 gallons


    Commercial Base Fee: up to 5/8” meter $15.75/quarter


All other quarterly charges based upon meter size are to remain the same.                     Additionally, all other availability and permit fees in the ordinance are unchanged. 


This agenda item corrects the attachment for other fees which was originally incorrect. In no case were incorrect fees charged to a customer.


Departmental Recommendation:  These rates will provide for a balanced budget for Fiscal Year 2016-17.  Recommend approval.


Finance Recommendation:  These rates will provide for a balanced budget for Fiscal Year 2016-17.  Recommend approval.


Purchasing Recommendation:  N/A


Town Attorney Recommendation:  The Town Attorney recommends the Town Council conduct a public hearing on the proposed water and sewer rates.


Town Manager's Recommendation:  I recommend the Town Council approve the proposed ordinance setting water and sewer rates for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016 as presented.


Cost and Financing:  $7,237,170

Account Number:  various

Decision Needed by This Date: June 30, 2016



Recommended Action

“I move to close the Public Hearing.”


"I further move that Town Council approve the proposed ordinance setting water and sewer rates for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016 and direct the Town Clerk to advertise a notice of intent to adopt for the Council meeting of November 7, 2016.


Other action deemed necessary by Council.