Parking Study Utilization and Recommendation Reports
At its January 10, 2024, meeting, the Planning Commission requested that it receive a presentation on the parking study that the Town Council initiated in 2022. On January 24, 2024, the Commission will receive that presentation, from the consultant Nelson Nygaard, and be able to provide feedback on the draft report and recommendations.
Staff and the consultant is prepared to assemble any Commission feedback and provide it to the Town Council, which will be holding a work session on this topic on February 12, 2024.
More detail on the background of the study is provided in the attachments, which are as follows:
Attachment 1: Staff memorandum - Parking Study Utilization and Recommendation Reports
Attachment 2: Parking Study Existing Conditions Report
Attachment 3: Vienna Parking Study Recommendations DRAFT
Recommended Action
No motion needed, but the Commission may wish to provide feedback on the draft study and recommendations.