| 1 | | | BZA Agenda Item | Request for approval of a variance from Sec. 18-217., Residential - Single-Unit, 16,000 sq. ft. Zone (RS-16), 2. Residential Coverage, of the Town of Vienna Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, to retain lot coverage over the permitted 25% on the property located at 205 Berry Street SE, in RS-16, Single-Family Detached Residential zone. | | |
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| 1 | | | BZA Agenda Item | **WITHDRAWN**Request to hear an appeal of the Zoning Administrator’s Determination in accordance with the requirements of Section 18-820 Appeals of Zoning Administrator Decision., of the Town of Vienna Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, affecting property located at 430, 440, 444 Maple Ave W, Vienna, Virginia, tax map numbers: 0383 02 0139, 0383 02 0140, 0383 02 0141, in the AW - Avenue West zoning district. Filed by Sara Mariska, of Odin Feldman Pittleman, on behalf of Vienna Development Associates LLC, property owner. The decision being appealed is the issuance of a Notice of Violation by the Zoning Administrator, case number 24-208, for a violation of Section 18-836 Site Plan Review. The Zoning Administrator determined that the existing condition of the property did not meet the requirements of the site plan approved in June of 2021. | | |
Not available
Not available