| 1 | | | BZA Agenda Item | Request for approval of a conditional use permit, as required by Section 18-304 of the Vienna Town Code, for a Family Day Home care of up to twelve (12) children at 100 Battle Street SE, in the RS-10, Single-Family Residential zoning district. Application filed by Anastasia Abraham. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | BZA Agenda Item | Request for approval of a conditional use permit, as required by Section 18-304 of the Vienna Town Code, for a Family Day Home care of up to twelve (12) children at 108 Yeonas Circle SE, in the RS-10, Single-Family Residential zoning district. Application filed by Tania Giviani-Faris and Kami Faris, owners. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | BZA Agenda Item | Request for approval of a variance from Section 18-219 Residential - Single-Unit, 10,000 sq. ft. Zone (RS-10), Building Placement Standards, Rear Yard, of the Town of Vienna Zoning Code, to construct a covered deck, attached to an existing single-family dwelling located at 231 Talahi Road SE, in the RS-10, Single-Family Detached Residential zone. The Zoning Code requires that all structures in the Single-Family Residential zoning districts maintain a setback of 35’ from the rear property line. The proposed porch encroaches 8.4’ into the setback leaving a setback of 26.6’ from the rear property line. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | BZA Agenda Item | **Deferred** Request for approval of a variance from Section 18-219 Residential - Single-Unit, 10,000 sq. ft. Zone (RS-10), Building Placement Standards, Rear Yard, of the Town of Vienna Zoning Code, to construct a covered deck, attached to an existing non-conforming single-family dwelling located at 409 East Street NE, in the RS-10, Single-Family Detached Residential zone. The Zoning Code requires that all structures in the Single-Family Residential zoning districts maintain a setback of 35’ from the rear property line. The proposed porch encroaches 19’-2.5” into the setback leaving a setback of 15’-9.5” from the rear property line. | | |
Action details
Not available