Request FY23 spending with Commonwealth Paving utilizing IFB 20-01 for asphalt repairs as needed.
The Department of Public Works requests approval for FY23 spending in the amount of $200,000 with Commonwealth Paving utilizing IFB 20-01 for asphalt repair as needed using Water and Sewer Funds, general, and CIP funds. The paving done by Commonwealth Paving is for general asphalt work and repairs due to water main breaks.
Strategic Plan Initiative: Vienna is an efficiently mobile community and an environmentally sustainable community
Departmental Recommendation: Recommend Approval
Finance Recommendation: Recommend Approval.
Purchasing Recommendation: Recommend Approval.
Town Attorney Recommendation: The Town has a contract with Commonwealth Paving and the Town Council may approve the proposed expenditure of funds in its discretion.
Town Manager's Recommendation: I recommend the Town Council approve FY23 spending with Commonwealth Paving utilizing IFB 20-01 in the mount of $200,000, as presented.
Cost and Financing: $200,000
Account Number: 500-501-0000-50111-47407, General and CIP Funds
Decision Needed by This date: Aug. 29, 2022
Recommended Action
“I move to approve FY23 spending with Commonwealth Paving utilizing IFB 20-01 in the amount of $200,000 from the accounts referenced above.”
Other action deemed necessary by Council.