Award a Design Contract to A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc. for Bear Branch Phase II - Southside Park Stream Restoration Project
Bear Branch, located in Southside Park, is experiencing major erosion and stream bank failure. This project will restore approximately 2,300 linear feet of natural stream and stabilize the steep, eroded stream banks along Bear Branch from Cottage Street SW downstream to I-66. This stretch of stream runs parallel to Walker Street SW and Ross Drive SW. The total project cost estimate is $2,520,000.
In December 2021, the Vienna Town Council and the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved a funding agreement for this project. As outlined in the funding agreement, Fairfax County stormwater fees will fund $1,272,500 (50.5%) and the awarded DEQ Stormwater Local Assistance Fund grant will fund the remaining $1,247,500 (49.5%). Town Department of Public Works (DPW) staff will lead and manage the project and Fairfax County staff has pledged support with plans and review, if requested.
Engineering design proposals for the project were requested and a total of five proposals were received on April 15, 2022. Of the proposals received, three firms were selected to present more details of the proposals to a four-person review/interview panel. The most qualified firm was determined to be A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc. (AMT). The attached base-fee proposal, not to exceed $497,744, was received from AMT, then reviewed and negotiated. In general, the scope of the proposal includes natural and cultural resource studies, Federal and State permitting, survey and design fees, public meetings, pre-bid and pre-construction meetings, construction oversight, and as-built survey. DPW staff recommends approving the base fee of $497,744 plus $45,514 for bridge and trail replacement design for a total of $543,258 under RFP 22-03.
Departmental Recommendation: Approve design contract.
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